Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I`m 24 and I still have acne

So I thought acne stopped when puberty stopped? Is that right... Or Is that a wives tail? Or am I still going through puberty.
I am pretty sure i`m not a 13 year old girl who just started her period and is having major menstrual bumps. No...No That`s not me! 

Hello My name is Candace Mitchell. I am 24 years old and still battle acne. 

It seems like no matter what I do I have bumps. I have major break outs when I eat too much chocolate and drink too much caffeine. Years ago my dermatologist said its extremely rare for that to be the cause. Well guess what? That`s the shit hand I have been dealt with. Bahaha
Good news is... I think it is a mixture of reasons and not just chocolate and caffeine. I say good news because I can not blame all my acne on my 2 favorite things. lol

I see so many people who take off there make up and it looks like heavens doors have opened up and an angel was born. WHY CAN MY SKIN NOT LOOK LIKE THAT? SERIOUSLY? (Dear God in my DNA makeup why could you not have put good skin?) 

It aggravates me to no end seriously. Lately I have been thinking well maybe I should try something that will really get the make up off. Maybe that is one issue. Maybe its not just caffeine and chocolate.. maybe it is also clogged pours.

So last night I went to my local Kroger just to pick up my breakfast and lunch for Monday. Since I was alone and not with my fiance I decided to be a girl and look on the cosmetic isle. I normally do not spend over $10 on anything cosmetics unless it is at Sephora or Ulta. It seems like everything I buy something from a grocery store or Walmart or what have you.. It always breaks me out. No matter the product. 
I so wish I could wear and use cheap cosmetics but I just can`t. I have tried everything under the sun and I am just too sensitive. 

So last night I went out on a limb and bought the wave sonic and Aveeno facial cleanser. I have seen so many people use the Sonic wave and I thought what the heck! It can not hurt!! I was initially looking for some exfoliating cleanser but then I was like wait! I bet this thing will work really good... and it`s way better than spending $200 on the one at Sephora. 

After one night of using it... I ... I ... I LOVE IT!!! 
When you open your box this is what you will see. You will have 2 weeks worth of cleansing pads. The Sonic wave and 2 batteries. So mske sure you do not buy batteries!
All the little bumps that were lined up along my jaw line are gone. Just after one night. I can not believe it. My face has never felt so clean... EVER!! I can not tell you how amazing I felt. I will continue using this product and give you all updates on how it is working.