Monday, February 17, 2014

February Ipsy Bag

I just received my February Ipsy bag this past Saturday. I have to say I am pretty excited about this one. January was pretty much a bummer… from the bag to the products. I would say they made up pretty well!

Here is a look into my February Ipsy bag and the contents inside! 

  The bag is much cuter this time and it did not smell like a plastic pool toy.

Here is a peak inside. Don`t you just love the leopard print on the inside? Agh so cute!

 I love this blush so much. Not only is it an amazing color but it has a lot of pigment. I can not believe how big it is... It`s a full size product not a sample. WHICH IS AMAZING! I can not believe I got this blush... I have been meaning to swing by MAC and pick up a new one but now... Thanks to my Ipsy bag... I do not have too.

 This is a FULL SIZE eye liner pencil made by MOLLY. I love this pencil so much. This product also has a lot of pigment and goes on very easy. When I went to the bathroom to wash my metallic dot off I couldn't get it off. I had to literately scrub it. This lets me know it stays on and will not run.
Beautiful FULL SIZE bottle of nail polish that I can add to my small but growing collection. 

I have not used this lip gloss yet but it seems to be really good. I love the color and it is very thick. This is the only sample bottle I received this go around. 

EYELASHES! A girl can never have enough pairs of false lashes. I do not wear them on a day to day basis at all but they are always good for custom parties and what not! (The lighting change makes my blanket look yellow... YIKES!)  

 So all in all I LOVED my February bag. Every product was full size except for the lip glass. I would say they definitely made up for the January bag and I am excited for more bags in the future. I can not wait to show you guys what March brings!! 

Friday, February 14, 2014

All natural hair wash

I am the kind of girl that is always up to try home remedies and all natural challenge. So when I read a blog post about washing your hair in baking soda and vinegar I had to try it.
The girl writing the post said that she had not washed her hair with regular shampoo in 6 weeks. Hearing this made me say, WHAT?? I have to wash my hair every single day because it is so oily! If I did not have to wash my hair for just two days, that would be a miracle within its self. I can`t even imagine 6 weeks.
I did a little more research after reading the blog post and found that the vinegar can strip hair die out of your hair. Since I have a light ombre I was a little worried but I proceeded to try this anyways.
This is what I used:

1/3 cup of baking soda mixed with a whole bottle of water
1 tablespoon of vinegar mixed with a small bottle of water

After I grabbed these items out of the cabinet and mixed them up... I went straight to the shower!

OK! Lets gets this started!! You will not be needing your hair cap for this one! 

First I poured the whole bottle of baking soda and water over my head trying not getting it in my eyes and screaming at the same time. Why was I screaming you ask? Well because my crazy self, filled the bottle up with cold water. Let me tell you, there is no surprise like cold water running down your back and not expecting it. So REMEMBER when trying this PUT HOT WATER INTO THE BOTTLE. Bahahaha

After putting the baking soda all in my hair, I gave my scalp a good scrub (my scalp felt like I had my head in the sand at the beach all day). I then Let this sit for about 5 minutes then rinse it out.

After I washed all of the baking soda out, I poured the vinegar mix over my head. Guess what? This bottle also had cold water. Thank goodness I was expecting it this go-around! I let the vinegar mix sit for about 2 minutes and then I rinsed it out.

I finished up my shower and got out see and smell the results.

OK, so my concerns were:
 1. Would my hair smell like vinegar?
2. Would my color come out?  
3. Would my hair be dry and brittle?

To my surprise my hair did not smell like vinegar at all. The amount of water was way greater than the amount of vinegar so it definitely diluted the smell. Rests assure ladies and gents your hair will not smell like nastiness!

All of my hair color came out. There is no longer any ombre. However, when I got my hair dyed about 1 year ago my hair dresser did not put any bleach on my hair. She only used light brown. So with that being said maybe that’s why it took everything out. I think this will pull out a lot of color no matter what hair you have. It will either take it out completely or make the color super dull.

OK! So these are before and after pictures. The top: before the all natural wash. The bottom: after the wash. I guess I do have a little color left but in person you can not tell at all.

My hair was more shiny, silky and light weight than it has ever been. It really took out all the wax and oils shampoo and conditioner puts in. It is really amazing how good your whole head will feel.  I did not have to repeat this again until 3 DAYS LATER!! This ended up being a miracle within its self and subtracting my time to my morning routine! WHOOP WHOOP!!

So I totally recommend everyone try this, unless you have hair dye. If you do stay on this all natural remedy I do recommend an all-natural hair mask once a week to moisturize the hair. I noticed the ends of my hair did get a bit dry but not too bad.  

When I get a chance I will do an all natural hair mask moisturizer and let you all know how it turns out.

Until then if you try this at home leave me a comment and let me know what you think! How did this work for you?

Friday, February 7, 2014

First Ipsy bag

I received my very first Ipsy bag yesterday!! I was totally excited but then I actually got it. I was a little disappointed. Thankfully earlier that day I had already logged onto my Ipsy profile and read all the reviews of the January bag. It seems that I am not the only one disappointed.

Here is a look inside my first Ipsy bag! 

 So I thought the bag was going to be super cute but it`s not. The bag is a big thing for me because I have a bag obsession. It also smelled like a pool float with a very strong plastic smell.

I actually like this smooth shadow creamy eye pencil. It is the only thing out of the WHOLE bag I use on a daily now. 

I tried the deep conditioning mask and honestly I already have pretty awesome shampoo and conditioner so it really did not make a difference. 

This lip balm ended up being a lip stain. I actually love the color and I loved that it would not come off. Even when I gave the boyfriend some smooches it did not come off... on him or me! hehe

This lotion smells so yummy but unfortunately my face is so sensitive I cannot use it all the time. 

Did not like this product at all. I tried it on my problem spots and it burned. It continued to burn for a couple of days. Not constantly but every time I would wash my face or put on my daily moisturizer it would burn.  It also dried my face out for a couple of days. 

So all in all I honestly did not like my products this time. I have heard it is a hit and miss kind of thing but since it is February I will be getting my next bag in a week or so and i will be giving you guys an update. 

Since it is February and it is Valentines month I have my hope up pretty high. There is so much cuteness that could go into this month. Lets hope its a hit!!