Monday, April 21, 2014

Gone for far too long

Hey guys!! I have missed you all so much and I am so sorry I have been gone for far too long. I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues in my life and I promise to do better. You all make me smile and I need to start focusing on the positive in my life. 

So a lot has been going on since I have posted last and I want to fill you guys in so we can catch up. 

First off back in January I found out my precious little Oliver (my dog) had advanced periodontal disease. These problems are extremely common in small breed dogs. It is basically a SEVER case of gingivitis. So we took him to Pet Smart and put him on a wellness plan...which is amazing. He had to get 8 teeth pulled so he no longer has front teeth but one little one on the bottom. On a side note... he is pretty stinkin cute with one bottom tooth. He reminds me of a Gerber baby! hahaha 
Anyways I was very worried about him when we were going through this process because if you know me... you know he is like my child. However I am so glad we had this done for him. He is no longer in pain and is a very happy healthy baby!!

My little fur baby!

Another update... My boyfriend of 5 1/2 years is going to enlist into the Air Force. He has mentioned going in before but this time he is very serious. I am very nervous because I do not know what the future will bring but I know we are about to start a journey that will be full of ups and downs. We have never been apart before and that is going to take A LOT of getting use too. I will admit it... I am very spoiled when it comes to his time. Every minute he has extra he gives it to me. Which I am very thankful for. However, If there is one thing I know about the military it`s the fact that they are gone all the time. This I am scared of but at the same time I am excited to start putting all of my time into what I love... which is fashion, interior design, makeup and hair. 

My Boyfriend James and I 

Speaking of which I am thinking about buying old furniture and re-vamping it. Is that something you guys would be interested in? If so let me know. It may take a while to get this started because all of the transitions I am about to go through but it will definitely happen in the future. 

Anyways guys I wanted to let you all know where I have been and that I am back to stay. I am so sorry I left for so long but sometimes I just have to take a step back and breathe. 

Thank you for being the positive light that shines in my life. Even if you only read my blog and follow me… you make me smile! 


Unknown said...

I have missed your blog! It always brings a smile to my face! Glad you are back!

Unknown said...

I have missed your blog! It always brings a smile to my face! Glad you are back!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much!! I am so glad you enjoy it!! I love you!