Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Vintage OOTD

When my grandmother passed away a year ago I got to go through her closet and find some vintage gems. She had a lot of clothing that was from my great grandmother, grandma Landsdown. Grandma Landsdown defiantly knew fashion and it worked out in her favor because she was able to afford it. Back in those times it was very hard to come by money and fashion just was not in the cards for a lot of people. 

Thankfully grandma Landsdown was well off so I can have her hand me downs!!! 
The polka dotted blouse in the images below belonged to my grandmaw Landsdown. I can not believe there is not one stain or one wrinkle on/in this blouse. It is seriously in amazing condition. 

What do you think? Not bad for a vintage blouse huh?  

 Vintage top from G-Maw

The bow... it`s just so perfect

In love with my Chanel`s

From Lulu`s

Top: JCPenny Vintage from G-Maw
Pants: H&M similar here
Shoes: LuLu`s
Watch: Michael Kors
Glasses: Chanel 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


It is that time of year again to open up your windows and let fall in. There is something so magical and so mysterious about fall. It`s the way the leaves change from green to red to orange to yellow. It`s the way the air is so cool and crisp. It`s the way you can smell and taste it in the air. It’s the way the fair lights twinkle in the night and the feeling of being a child again for just a moment. Fall is that one time of year when a normal pile of burning leaves just smells so different. It`s a feeling that warms the heart and cleanses the soul. It`s something I personally can never live without.
(A view from the Ferris Wheel)

This feeling of fall makes me want to decorate my house from top to bottom like I would for Christmas but with Halloween and fall décor. It makes me want to purchase every single pumpkin spice candle in the world. And carving pumpkins is just the beginning. I have to literally bake everything that is Halloween and fall related. I just can`t help it. Oh and I don’t know about you but my TV channel is on ABC Family 13 days of Halloween… and you can guarantee that! I also enjoy a great ghost classic on TCM. And the best part of it all is being able to share these moments, these tastes and smells and your heart with the ones you love.
One of my all time favorite movies

I wanted to let you in my heart a little today and let you see what I am feeling. I cannot wait to share all my fall adventures with you all. Stay tuned for the festivities to come.
(My little fur baby dressed as woody!)
Please comment below and let me know how your heart feels this time of year. Let me know your traditions that you have to do. Who knows I may adopt some of them for my own.
I will leave you with some photos of my previous years.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I`m 24 and I still have acne

So I thought acne stopped when puberty stopped? Is that right... Or Is that a wives tail? Or am I still going through puberty.
I am pretty sure i`m not a 13 year old girl who just started her period and is having major menstrual bumps. No...No That`s not me! 

Hello My name is Candace Mitchell. I am 24 years old and still battle acne. 

It seems like no matter what I do I have bumps. I have major break outs when I eat too much chocolate and drink too much caffeine. Years ago my dermatologist said its extremely rare for that to be the cause. Well guess what? That`s the shit hand I have been dealt with. Bahaha
Good news is... I think it is a mixture of reasons and not just chocolate and caffeine. I say good news because I can not blame all my acne on my 2 favorite things. lol

I see so many people who take off there make up and it looks like heavens doors have opened up and an angel was born. WHY CAN MY SKIN NOT LOOK LIKE THAT? SERIOUSLY? (Dear God in my DNA makeup why could you not have put good skin?) 

It aggravates me to no end seriously. Lately I have been thinking well maybe I should try something that will really get the make up off. Maybe that is one issue. Maybe its not just caffeine and chocolate.. maybe it is also clogged pours.

So last night I went to my local Kroger just to pick up my breakfast and lunch for Monday. Since I was alone and not with my fiance I decided to be a girl and look on the cosmetic isle. I normally do not spend over $10 on anything cosmetics unless it is at Sephora or Ulta. It seems like everything I buy something from a grocery store or Walmart or what have you.. It always breaks me out. No matter the product. 
I so wish I could wear and use cheap cosmetics but I just can`t. I have tried everything under the sun and I am just too sensitive. 

So last night I went out on a limb and bought the wave sonic and Aveeno facial cleanser. I have seen so many people use the Sonic wave and I thought what the heck! It can not hurt!! I was initially looking for some exfoliating cleanser but then I was like wait! I bet this thing will work really good... and it`s way better than spending $200 on the one at Sephora. 

After one night of using it... I ... I ... I LOVE IT!!! 
When you open your box this is what you will see. You will have 2 weeks worth of cleansing pads. The Sonic wave and 2 batteries. So mske sure you do not buy batteries!
All the little bumps that were lined up along my jaw line are gone. Just after one night. I can not believe it. My face has never felt so clean... EVER!! I can not tell you how amazing I felt. I will continue using this product and give you all updates on how it is working.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Transformation Tuesday

It is not very often that I get to do make overs but when I do... I am seriously a kid in a candy store. Just like a kid it takes me hours. 

My cousin went with her boyfriend (now Fiance) to the military ball this past January and she asked ME to do her hair and makeup. I was totally honored and beyond excited! 

She had never had her hair and makeup done before so we were all really excited to see how she turned out. We knew she would be beautiful but baby did she blow me away!! 

It over all took me about 3 solid hours to get her ready. I spent about 1 hour and 30 minutes on makeup and another 1 hour and 30 minutes on hair.

(I forgot to take a picture of her before we started. So this is half way through the makeup)

(Makeup COMPLETE! Now time for the hair)

She wanted her hair half up half down. So before I started to curl I teased the top of her hair and put her bump together. Then I started curling everything that was left. I put them all in pin rolls after I curled each strand to make sure we have an everlasting hold. We left the pin rolls up for about 30 minutes.

So I have to brag a minute... I have never ever done anyone's hair for anything. I have never done a prom up-do or a simple pony tail. So I definitely surprised when it turned out like this!! AND THE DRUM ROLL PLEASE...........
Don`t you think this is a pretty amazing up-do for my first time?
Yeah... I definitely think so!

Here is a front view of her hair and makeup.

All the finishing touches have been put together and her prince charming has arrived! 
Here is the lovely couple leaving for their very first dance. 

A big thank you goes out to my cousin and her fiance. Thank you both so much for making me apart of this memory that I will cherish forever. It was such an honor to asked to do such and to be apart of everything. I look forward to making you Alyssa a beautiful bride and add that memory to our stack! I love you both and hope you enjoyed being apart of my blog as much as I enjoyed sharing. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Marilyn Monroe


Yesterday would have been the late Marilyn Monroe`s 88th birthday. If she were still alive we would have all been able to watch her celebrate. I wonder is she would have a twitter... I would like to think since she loved attention and craved for it she would definitely have a twitter! 

I would hope that at this point in her life she would be sitting beach front at her California home watching her grandchildren play on the beach...or maybe living and hanging out in New York at all the fashion shows and living the fast life like she always did. Unfortunately she did not get to live a full beautiful life with children and grandchildren like she had always dreamed. I think she would have been an amazing mom and I think it would have saved her. 

It amazes me how even though she is gone she touches so many of our souls. Those who are like me that actually appropriate her career and enjoy every single one of her movies and read everything you can get your hands on about her... feel like somehow she lives on in your heart. She is truly a spirit that has lived on.

Dump A Day Marilyn Monroe Pictures - 35 Pics

She is a mystery that we will never be able to solve. I wish one day somehow someway... we can find out what really happen to this beautiful soul. But for now and always rest in peace Ms. Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn Monroe quotes Archives - Motivational quotes and posters 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fashion Friday

OK ladies it has been some time since I have posted about my fashion so I just invented my fashion Friday! Every Friday I will post something that has to do with fashion. Whether it be the outfit of the day or new fashion favorites.

To kick off our first fashion Friday I have one of my summer favorites. The plain black dress that speaks for its self. 
Maxi Dress: H&M, similar here and here

I love this dress because you can seriously wear it to anything. You do not have to worry about your legs being to white or if you like me... white legs with stubble. hahaha I am horrible about shaving my legs. I know that is totally gross but hey it`s the truth! 

You can wear any accessories with this beauty or none at all. I am going to repeat myself but this dress truly speaks for itself. 
I wore a simple blue necklace that hugged the neckline and some flashy earrings. Honestly in person it looked like it was made on the dress. It looked so good! 
Earrings: Charlotte Russe, similar here 
Necklace: Charlotte Russe, similar here

Shoes: Lulu`s 

To complete the whole look I wore beautiful gladiators. This particular maxi has a Greek tunic feel to it anyways so a nice gladiator looks amazing. Plus it is fun to play the part!! 

This concludes our very first fashion Friday! What do you want to see next Friday?

Once Upon a time...

James and I have been together for almost 6 years now and we have NEVER been on a vacation alone. WHY? I have no idea! Well last week we went on out very first romantic getaway together. Boy was it a special one!! 

(This is the first night, we took a beautiful carriage ride.. Prince Charming and Cinderella)

WE GOT ENGAGED... and here is the beautiful story.

Once upon a time...

We went to Jekyll Island and stayed at the Jekyll Island club hotel in the beautiful Crane Cottage. I have been going to this amazing place since I was a little girl and I have always dreamed of getting married here.
The room we stayed in was a deluxe king suite... So yeah the room was pretty amazing. We had 2 beautiful balconies overlooking the ocean river. They both opened with beautiful french doors. One was in the bathroom, so you know I took a bath with the doors open while looking at the ocean! It was pretty amazing! The other one was a beautiful porch with a table and 2 chairs that we used quite a few times.

(The Crane Cottage... The circle shows our room. The tree was trimmed back when we were there so you could see the balcony.)

Ok! So now that I have some what set the scene for you... let`s start with the engagement day! 
It was a Monday morning and we rolled out of bed, threw on some clothes and walked to the cafe to get some AMAZING coffee. We sat on e a HUGE porch for a while soaking in all the beauty around us. While we were sitting there we were watching people ride bikes and so we wanted to ride them also. So as soon as we finished out coffee we walked down to the bellmen and asked them about renting bikes for the whole day. Well to our surprise they let us ride for free ALL DAY! SCORE! So we rode bikes for seriously like 5 hours straight.  We had so much fun... we found trails that lead to alligator ponds. We wanted to see one so bad but... we did not! 

When we were done riding bikes we went to the Pool Bar, ordered a strawberry daiquiri and laid on a blanket in front of the ocean for about an hour or so. It was so peaceful! 

We went back to the room and got all dolled up and went to diner. There is this beautiful restaurant in the hotel called the Grand Dining Room. We ate here on a closed in porch and watched the sun go down. After diner we walked the paths in front of the ocean and sat on a bench for a while while he held me. Talking and soaking in all of nature`s beautiful wonders.

The Grand Dining Rom
The red Circle is where we sat!

We decided to get up and go walking and talking lol. We walked over to the Court Yard at the Crane and talked about how amazing it would be to get married there. I told him how I had always pictured it since I was a little girl. Well grabbed my shoulders and easily placed me in the spot where we would say I DO. He hugged me and said "You are my very best friend in the whole world, you know that? and I love you more than anything." I told him he was mine and I loved him too. AT this point her got down on one knee and said... I know this has always been your dream and I want to make your dream come true... that`s why I am proposing here. I want this to be a promise that I will come back to this very spot and marry you here. I love you more than anything and I cannot imagine my life without you. WILL YOU MARRY ME? Oh my goodness I was crying and I said yes, yes, of course! We hugged and cried and kissed and laughed! It was so meaningful... he wants to make my childhood dream come true. I am so thankful for that! 

The circle shows where he proposed!! 
Another view of the beautiful court yard and where he proposed!

My ring

We went up to our room to change and go out walking again... well while we were in our room her hands me a ring box. I looked at him with a puzzled look and said... what? I opened the box and there was his grandmother`s and his mother`s engagement ring. His grandmother passed away the first year we were together and he has been heartbroken ever since. His mom gave him the ring before he graduated... in hopes he would one day give it to me. Well he has put it in a drawer for years and would not let me see it or touch it. So when I opened the box and seen the ring tears immediately started to fall. I had totally forgotten all about this ring. I was speechless all I could do was cry and hug him. 

The crazy thing is... my grandmother passed away last year and I received her wedding band. The band was my great grandmothers before it was hers.  THE WEDDING BAND AND THE RING GO TOGETHER AS A SET!! It is meant to be... we are meant to be and this first vacation with him could not have been better! 
Our grandmothers Rings (what girl gets 2 engagement rings and one that means so much more than money could ever buy?)

I am so sorry it was so long but I wanted to share our amazing day with you! I am so excited and I hope you enjoyed our amazing story. I look forward to telling you all about our up coming events like engagement photos and the wedding! 

My 24th Birthday

So my 24th birthday just passed and I am feeling pretty old right about now!! I keep thinking " I am only 6 years away from 30". People keep telling me "Oh be quiet your still young...You`re in your 20`s, the best time of your life". I would be quiet and take their advice, if I didn't have a problem with living in the future! My brain tends to live for the future not for the now. Which is a horrible...I must change this!
(Birthday Head-shot!)
Ear rings: Charlotte Russe, here are similar ones
Shirt: Papaya, here is a similar one

Anyways lets get back on topic!

This year my birthday was pretty amazing! I had the day off of work to go get my license re-dun and to get my tag. I was at the DMV, and believe me when I say this, for only 30 minutes! That is a miracle seriously. I was expecting like 3 hours but I was in and out. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!

Then I did some very well needed spring/summer clothes shopping! I went to Papaya and Charlotte Russe and came out with some pretty good stuff!

After the I finished with the DMV, Shopping and Tag my boyfriend and I went to meet my step mom and my dad at Carrabbas for my birthday dinner. I have never been able to spend my birthday night with them so this was a pretty big deal. When I got there my step mom was already there waiting on us while my dad diminished up at work. She had 24 beautiful Pink roses and a pink and white birthday cake sitting on the table waiting on me. I have never had someone surprise me like that before. I was so excited and so surprised that I cannot believe I did not cry.

So when I sat down in my set... First things first! I order me a pink birthday drink! My dad finally arrived and we had such a good time. At the end of the meal they game me 3 birthday cards and some birthday money! Which was amazing, so I did some more clothes shopping on Lulu`s when I got home.

(Me with my pink drink, pink cake, pink roses, pink shoes and pink shirt!! I guess it was a very pink birthday!)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe, here are similar ones

Then on Saturday night my mom took me too eat and bought me a tanning membership! We had a lot of fun and I was so thankful for the tanning!! SCORE!!

So all in all this years birthday was pretty awesome! I hope you enjoyed my birthday story and I will post all of the clothes and shoes I bought in a separate post!


Monday, April 21, 2014

Gone for far too long

Hey guys!! I have missed you all so much and I am so sorry I have been gone for far too long. I have been dealing with a lot of personal issues in my life and I promise to do better. You all make me smile and I need to start focusing on the positive in my life. 

So a lot has been going on since I have posted last and I want to fill you guys in so we can catch up. 

First off back in January I found out my precious little Oliver (my dog) had advanced periodontal disease. These problems are extremely common in small breed dogs. It is basically a SEVER case of gingivitis. So we took him to Pet Smart and put him on a wellness plan...which is amazing. He had to get 8 teeth pulled so he no longer has front teeth but one little one on the bottom. On a side note... he is pretty stinkin cute with one bottom tooth. He reminds me of a Gerber baby! hahaha 
Anyways I was very worried about him when we were going through this process because if you know me... you know he is like my child. However I am so glad we had this done for him. He is no longer in pain and is a very happy healthy baby!!

My little fur baby!

Another update... My boyfriend of 5 1/2 years is going to enlist into the Air Force. He has mentioned going in before but this time he is very serious. I am very nervous because I do not know what the future will bring but I know we are about to start a journey that will be full of ups and downs. We have never been apart before and that is going to take A LOT of getting use too. I will admit it... I am very spoiled when it comes to his time. Every minute he has extra he gives it to me. Which I am very thankful for. However, If there is one thing I know about the military it`s the fact that they are gone all the time. This I am scared of but at the same time I am excited to start putting all of my time into what I love... which is fashion, interior design, makeup and hair. 

My Boyfriend James and I 

Speaking of which I am thinking about buying old furniture and re-vamping it. Is that something you guys would be interested in? If so let me know. It may take a while to get this started because all of the transitions I am about to go through but it will definitely happen in the future. 

Anyways guys I wanted to let you all know where I have been and that I am back to stay. I am so sorry I left for so long but sometimes I just have to take a step back and breathe. 

Thank you for being the positive light that shines in my life. Even if you only read my blog and follow me… you make me smile! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

February Ipsy Bag

I just received my February Ipsy bag this past Saturday. I have to say I am pretty excited about this one. January was pretty much a bummer… from the bag to the products. I would say they made up pretty well!

Here is a look into my February Ipsy bag and the contents inside! 

  The bag is much cuter this time and it did not smell like a plastic pool toy.

Here is a peak inside. Don`t you just love the leopard print on the inside? Agh so cute!

 I love this blush so much. Not only is it an amazing color but it has a lot of pigment. I can not believe how big it is... It`s a full size product not a sample. WHICH IS AMAZING! I can not believe I got this blush... I have been meaning to swing by MAC and pick up a new one but now... Thanks to my Ipsy bag... I do not have too.

 This is a FULL SIZE eye liner pencil made by MOLLY. I love this pencil so much. This product also has a lot of pigment and goes on very easy. When I went to the bathroom to wash my metallic dot off I couldn't get it off. I had to literately scrub it. This lets me know it stays on and will not run.
Beautiful FULL SIZE bottle of nail polish that I can add to my small but growing collection. 

I have not used this lip gloss yet but it seems to be really good. I love the color and it is very thick. This is the only sample bottle I received this go around. 

EYELASHES! A girl can never have enough pairs of false lashes. I do not wear them on a day to day basis at all but they are always good for custom parties and what not! (The lighting change makes my blanket look yellow... YIKES!)  

 So all in all I LOVED my February bag. Every product was full size except for the lip glass. I would say they definitely made up for the January bag and I am excited for more bags in the future. I can not wait to show you guys what March brings!!