Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WCW: Kandee Johnson

Typically people do not post why they have chosen their Woman crush for Wednesday. It is always pretty evident why they have chosen that person. It`s always their beauty or their personality. 

We see these people on TV and we see the characters they play but who knows if they are as good as they seem. For instance I watched an Interview once with Carrie Underwood and she said “That person up there on that stage is not me; my real person is too shy to do anything like that.” People tend to put on personas to play the part and make their career work.  Which is totally fine and I completely understand. I might even alter my person if I was in front of the cameras all the time.

My woman crush is Kandee Johnson!! 

You may look at my woman crush and think yeah she is beautiful, no wonder you picked her. Yes, she is beautiful but the truth is I didn't pick her because she is gorgeous. I picked her because of her heart. Kandee Johnson is a total inspiration.  I feel that God put her on this earth not only to teach us how to do our makeup and DIY`s but to also be that light in the darkness. She makes me strive to be a better person and to be a truly happy person. When I am feeling down and upset I go to her channel and just watch her videos over and over. Her happiness, smile, laugh, and love are just so contagious.

She does not show a persona that is fake. She stays true to herself and that allows her followers to relate to her. I feel like I honestly know this amazing person. She puts her life, her religion and her family out there to share with the world. Kandee adds a little sparkle to my heart and I am sure if you give her a chance you will feel the same. 


I could go on and on about how amazing she is but I think I will end it here and leave you to find out for yourself.

If you do not know who this truly amazing woman is you should check her out. She has 2 blogs, 2 YouTube Channels, an Instagram and a twitter account.  I know you will love her as much I as I do.

Do you have a blogger who helps you through your days and your troubles in life? If so tell me who they are I would love to follow also!!

Hugs and kisses to all my followers out there! I love you all very much!
YouTube Channels: Kandee Johnson 
Intagram: @kandeejohnson
Twitter: @kandeejohnson

Friday, January 10, 2014

My First Youtube video

I am so excited to share with you MY VERY FIRST YOUTUBE VIDEO! I honestly cannot even thank you guys enough for wanting me to share my tips and tricks with you. I love doing makeup and any chance I get to do it… I will take it!! I also love to help and spread my knowledge. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity. 

( I had to go by Walmart on my way home from work to buy batteries so I could film for you guys. I was going to put the batteries in my camera (assuming it would work better than my phone) and try to film that way. But my camera was just not working good enough! So I had to rely on my phone.)

(Getting setup on my vanity)

Since I have started my blog and up loading pictures to Instagram and Facebook, I have had a lot of people ask me how I do my eyebrows.  Since I cannot explain everything in words I thought… “Why not do a video?” That way you guys can have a one on one with me and I can show you exactly what I do!! I really hope this video helps all of you that want big bold and beautiful eyebrows.

If you want me to do more of these videos let me know. Comment below and tell me. I will show you any tip and trick you want to know. Make sure you like my video and subscribe to my channel. Also follow me on Instagram at candy_land13

What I used for my eyebrows:
Cargo Concealer ( I used this after I wiped my makeup off. It helped take what was left off of my eyebrows)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let your light shine

I found this picture (above image) on my Facebook news feed yesterday. It really inspired me to speak to you from my heart.
There are so many men/women/ children/ teens that commit suicide every day because they feel as if they are not accepted. Weither it`s society, family, friends coworkers, ect.

If you have ever felt this way I wish I could just give you a huge hug and let you know how amazing you really are. I would tell you that you are worth everything in the whole world. Maybe I don’t know you. Maybe you are a stranger that I have never even met. But I still believe that God made you for a reason. You are here on this planet to do something amazing in your like. You have a light that glitters like no other in this whole world.  Your soul purpose in life may be that you overcome all the hardship you are going through and share it with the world. Just stay strong and you will come out even bigger even better even more awesome than all those that did not accept the amazing you. 

 We are faced with challenges everyday where we need to feel accepted. If you are yourself and they do not accept you… then they are not worth your time.

Everyone has an opinion of everything and everyone. That is just our society these days. It is so sad that we as a whole are not loving and accepting. I truly hate it!

 It does not matter who you are holding hands with and kissing. It does not matter if your purple, green or orange. It does not matter if you love birds instead of your opposite sex. It does not matter if you have a better or worse house/car/clothes/shoes etc. I still love you all the same and so do the ones that matter. Your family, your friends even your dog. You have a special place in this world and maybe you have not found that yet. But I promise you, you will. Just hold on and do not let go of that beautiful glittery sparkle that you are.

Just know you are beautiful and there is no one else in this whole entire world like you. God made you original and special in your own way. Let that light shine and do not be afraid. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just be you and that’s the best you could ever do.

I love you all!! Sending hugs and kisses from my computer to yours!!

If you need someone to talk to and you are going through difficult times and hardships please feel free to email mail me. I am here if you need me!

Monday, January 6, 2014

What is in your makeup bag?

It`s seriously like a sickness. I know I cannot wear all of it in one day and I know it`s really expensive. But if I am being honest and truthfully honest... I love to just look at all of it. Its so pretty and beautiful and sparkly and bright!

Seriously It`s so pretty when it`s beautifully organized and sitting out on my makeup stand. I don’t know what it is but ugh it just brings me this weird joy. I don’t even have to put it on to feel amazing… literally I just look at it and automatically I feel like a guru.

Yes you can call me weird, strange, or even materialistic but I call it being a true girl. When you are a true girlie girl at heart you tend to have these strange loves. For example, my boyfriend will never understand why I continue to buy more and more makeup bags when I already have a million. Every time we go into a store I am like… “AGHAHAHAHAHAAA… AHHHHHHHH… LOOK AT THIS BAG!” Then the drool starts, figuratively speaking. It’s just something us girls do. We can`t help it. It’s somehow permanently sown into our DNA .

Not only do we like to look at our own but we also have this weird obsession to look at pictures of other peoples amazing makeup bags, cases and stands. It makes us go into this fairy tale land where we are sponsored by every amazing makeup company that ever was. So then we have this unbelievable collection that would beautify be organized on our dream makeup stand.

Then BAM! You wake up and it`s not real… UGH!!

That’s what inspired today`s post. I wanted to show you guys what is in my makeup bag because I want to see what is in your make up bag! After reading please comment below and send pictures! I want to be nosy and feed my girlie girl obsession.

So we start our makeup off with our foundation routine.
 Step 1: Lotion
 Step 2: Primer
Step 3: Powder
Step 4: Contour

These are the tools I use to contour my face. I love this Elf palette because it’s the same thing as NARS version. Elf is only $3 (at Target) and the NARS is like $40. Oh and the round thingy that you can`t really see, that’s what I use for my glow. It`s by Physicians Formal. I like it and it works but it`s not the best.

The last but not least, The HOLY GRAIL!! This is what I have with me on a daily basis. No I do not use it all but I must have all of this in case of an emergency or a change-up. I have plenty more but they do not make it in the MUST need bag!

I hope you enjoyed being deep in my makeup bag!  Like Deep… really deep in there. Lol

Come on girls show me what is in your bag!! I want to see it! You know you want to show it! Like I said early just comment below and send me a picture… or tag me on Instagram. Post your picture and tag my name below it. @candy_land13   #deepinthebag#deep…deep#nosy#showoff#makeuplove

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Spreading love in the New Year

Happy New Years my love bugs!! 

New years is a time to celebrate, a time to move forward and create new goals. After the tears and sorrow 2013 brought I am so ready to make 2014 amazing. My boyfriend and I lost our first home together due to job loss which was so hard. We have always worked for everything we have with out mommy and daddies help, which made it even more hard. Our relationship was tested time and time again. Thankfully we made it through and now we are closer than ever. When we were in times of need and barely hanging on we had amazing friends that helped us out and would not let us say no. My mom also helped us hold on to everything as long as we could. I am unbelievably thankful for them all. They probably do not know it but I thank God daily for them.

(James and I in our apartment last year)

 I also lost my amazing grandmother in May of 2013. Needless to say we went through so many trials and tribulations this past year. Even though we have had a lot of loss we have learned so much from it all. James and I grew to love and appreciate each other in so many different ways. I also learned to never take anyone for granted no matter what.

So no matter how horrible our past year has been, we need to take what we have learned through the good and bad to help us through the next. We also need to look at the ones around us... the ones that really love us and  matter. We need to let them know we appreciate them on a daily basis. We never know when God will take them. 

So my goals for 2014 are
1. Love harder than I ever have
2. Appreciate everyone and everything more
3. Every night pray to God and thank him
4. Allow God to take all my stress away from me. Realize that he knows best and whatever happens I will always be OK.
5. Focus on Family
6. Open my heart all the way and take out any walls or bitterness

What are your New Years goals? What knowledge and lessons can you take from your past year? Comment below and let me know.

Also know that God loves you no matter what you have done in your life. He sees every sin equal no matter how horrible you think it is. If you have been waking up at night staring at the ceiling wondering why or if you have a whole in your heart and you feel that something is missing know that it is our heavenly father. No material item or human being can fill this whole. Only the love of God can fill this void.
 Remember he loves you. 
If you do not know God as your personal savior and you would like to know him please feel free to message me. I will answer any questions you have and I will not judge. I hope I can help you see that he is the light.

Happy New Year to all and May God Bless 2014!