Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WCW: Kandee Johnson

Typically people do not post why they have chosen their Woman crush for Wednesday. It is always pretty evident why they have chosen that person. It`s always their beauty or their personality. 

We see these people on TV and we see the characters they play but who knows if they are as good as they seem. For instance I watched an Interview once with Carrie Underwood and she said “That person up there on that stage is not me; my real person is too shy to do anything like that.” People tend to put on personas to play the part and make their career work.  Which is totally fine and I completely understand. I might even alter my person if I was in front of the cameras all the time.

My woman crush is Kandee Johnson!! 

You may look at my woman crush and think yeah she is beautiful, no wonder you picked her. Yes, she is beautiful but the truth is I didn't pick her because she is gorgeous. I picked her because of her heart. Kandee Johnson is a total inspiration.  I feel that God put her on this earth not only to teach us how to do our makeup and DIY`s but to also be that light in the darkness. She makes me strive to be a better person and to be a truly happy person. When I am feeling down and upset I go to her channel and just watch her videos over and over. Her happiness, smile, laugh, and love are just so contagious.

She does not show a persona that is fake. She stays true to herself and that allows her followers to relate to her. I feel like I honestly know this amazing person. She puts her life, her religion and her family out there to share with the world. Kandee adds a little sparkle to my heart and I am sure if you give her a chance you will feel the same. 


I could go on and on about how amazing she is but I think I will end it here and leave you to find out for yourself.

If you do not know who this truly amazing woman is you should check her out. She has 2 blogs, 2 YouTube Channels, an Instagram and a twitter account.  I know you will love her as much I as I do.

Do you have a blogger who helps you through your days and your troubles in life? If so tell me who they are I would love to follow also!!

Hugs and kisses to all my followers out there! I love you all very much!
YouTube Channels: Kandee Johnson 
Intagram: @kandeejohnson
Twitter: @kandeejohnson

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