Thursday, January 2, 2014

Spreading love in the New Year

Happy New Years my love bugs!! 

New years is a time to celebrate, a time to move forward and create new goals. After the tears and sorrow 2013 brought I am so ready to make 2014 amazing. My boyfriend and I lost our first home together due to job loss which was so hard. We have always worked for everything we have with out mommy and daddies help, which made it even more hard. Our relationship was tested time and time again. Thankfully we made it through and now we are closer than ever. When we were in times of need and barely hanging on we had amazing friends that helped us out and would not let us say no. My mom also helped us hold on to everything as long as we could. I am unbelievably thankful for them all. They probably do not know it but I thank God daily for them.

(James and I in our apartment last year)

 I also lost my amazing grandmother in May of 2013. Needless to say we went through so many trials and tribulations this past year. Even though we have had a lot of loss we have learned so much from it all. James and I grew to love and appreciate each other in so many different ways. I also learned to never take anyone for granted no matter what.

So no matter how horrible our past year has been, we need to take what we have learned through the good and bad to help us through the next. We also need to look at the ones around us... the ones that really love us and  matter. We need to let them know we appreciate them on a daily basis. We never know when God will take them. 

So my goals for 2014 are
1. Love harder than I ever have
2. Appreciate everyone and everything more
3. Every night pray to God and thank him
4. Allow God to take all my stress away from me. Realize that he knows best and whatever happens I will always be OK.
5. Focus on Family
6. Open my heart all the way and take out any walls or bitterness

What are your New Years goals? What knowledge and lessons can you take from your past year? Comment below and let me know.

Also know that God loves you no matter what you have done in your life. He sees every sin equal no matter how horrible you think it is. If you have been waking up at night staring at the ceiling wondering why or if you have a whole in your heart and you feel that something is missing know that it is our heavenly father. No material item or human being can fill this whole. Only the love of God can fill this void.
 Remember he loves you. 
If you do not know God as your personal savior and you would like to know him please feel free to message me. I will answer any questions you have and I will not judge. I hope I can help you see that he is the light.

Happy New Year to all and May God Bless 2014!

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