Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Let your light shine

I found this picture (above image) on my Facebook news feed yesterday. It really inspired me to speak to you from my heart.
There are so many men/women/ children/ teens that commit suicide every day because they feel as if they are not accepted. Weither it`s society, family, friends coworkers, ect.

If you have ever felt this way I wish I could just give you a huge hug and let you know how amazing you really are. I would tell you that you are worth everything in the whole world. Maybe I don’t know you. Maybe you are a stranger that I have never even met. But I still believe that God made you for a reason. You are here on this planet to do something amazing in your like. You have a light that glitters like no other in this whole world.  Your soul purpose in life may be that you overcome all the hardship you are going through and share it with the world. Just stay strong and you will come out even bigger even better even more awesome than all those that did not accept the amazing you. 

 We are faced with challenges everyday where we need to feel accepted. If you are yourself and they do not accept you… then they are not worth your time.

Everyone has an opinion of everything and everyone. That is just our society these days. It is so sad that we as a whole are not loving and accepting. I truly hate it!

 It does not matter who you are holding hands with and kissing. It does not matter if your purple, green or orange. It does not matter if you love birds instead of your opposite sex. It does not matter if you have a better or worse house/car/clothes/shoes etc. I still love you all the same and so do the ones that matter. Your family, your friends even your dog. You have a special place in this world and maybe you have not found that yet. But I promise you, you will. Just hold on and do not let go of that beautiful glittery sparkle that you are.

Just know you are beautiful and there is no one else in this whole entire world like you. God made you original and special in your own way. Let that light shine and do not be afraid. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just be you and that’s the best you could ever do.

I love you all!! Sending hugs and kisses from my computer to yours!!

If you need someone to talk to and you are going through difficult times and hardships please feel free to email mail me. I am here if you need me!

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