Monday, January 6, 2014

What is in your makeup bag?

It`s seriously like a sickness. I know I cannot wear all of it in one day and I know it`s really expensive. But if I am being honest and truthfully honest... I love to just look at all of it. Its so pretty and beautiful and sparkly and bright!

Seriously It`s so pretty when it`s beautifully organized and sitting out on my makeup stand. I don’t know what it is but ugh it just brings me this weird joy. I don’t even have to put it on to feel amazing… literally I just look at it and automatically I feel like a guru.

Yes you can call me weird, strange, or even materialistic but I call it being a true girl. When you are a true girlie girl at heart you tend to have these strange loves. For example, my boyfriend will never understand why I continue to buy more and more makeup bags when I already have a million. Every time we go into a store I am like… “AGHAHAHAHAHAAA… AHHHHHHHH… LOOK AT THIS BAG!” Then the drool starts, figuratively speaking. It’s just something us girls do. We can`t help it. It’s somehow permanently sown into our DNA .

Not only do we like to look at our own but we also have this weird obsession to look at pictures of other peoples amazing makeup bags, cases and stands. It makes us go into this fairy tale land where we are sponsored by every amazing makeup company that ever was. So then we have this unbelievable collection that would beautify be organized on our dream makeup stand.

Then BAM! You wake up and it`s not real… UGH!!

That’s what inspired today`s post. I wanted to show you guys what is in my makeup bag because I want to see what is in your make up bag! After reading please comment below and send pictures! I want to be nosy and feed my girlie girl obsession.

So we start our makeup off with our foundation routine.
 Step 1: Lotion
 Step 2: Primer
Step 3: Powder
Step 4: Contour

These are the tools I use to contour my face. I love this Elf palette because it’s the same thing as NARS version. Elf is only $3 (at Target) and the NARS is like $40. Oh and the round thingy that you can`t really see, that’s what I use for my glow. It`s by Physicians Formal. I like it and it works but it`s not the best.

The last but not least, The HOLY GRAIL!! This is what I have with me on a daily basis. No I do not use it all but I must have all of this in case of an emergency or a change-up. I have plenty more but they do not make it in the MUST need bag!

I hope you enjoyed being deep in my makeup bag!  Like Deep… really deep in there. Lol

Come on girls show me what is in your bag!! I want to see it! You know you want to show it! Like I said early just comment below and send me a picture… or tag me on Instagram. Post your picture and tag my name below it. @candy_land13   #deepinthebag#deep…deep#nosy#showoff#makeuplove


Unknown said...

I don't wear the same colors of makeup each day, Most of us don't wear the same color clothes each day, so you change makeup to go with it.

My Dad always said "a new coat of paint never hurt any old barn"!!!!!

Kristin said...

Dear. Ms.Candace If I where trying to do smoky eyes for the first time what colors would you use to make blue eyes POP?

Unknown said...

Hello Kristin,

I am so sorry I am just now getting back to you. Making a smoky eye is actually pretty easy. It seems hard but once you learn the trick its simple. Maybe I will do a video on this. However to answer your question... I have blue eyes so anything grey makes them pop. I would go with a silver grey and black scale. Put the grey all over the whole lid and then add a touch of black to the outer corner. In the inner corner you want to put a silver or white color. This will really make the eye pop. The trick is.. once you get all your color on.. fade it. Take your face powder and dip a shadow brush into it. Take that and put it all over your lid and color. This will fade everything together and give you the look you want. I hope this helps. Let me know once you try it!