Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Better than Sex Chex mix

This year for Christmas I made a couple of amazing desserts. However one in particular really stood out to my family. Everyone keeps asking me the recipe so I thought I would blog it for you guys. It`s so easy and you do not have to bake. You just need a measuring cup, some bowls and the microwave. Oh and of course your ingredients (the best part).

What you will need:
8 cups of Chocolate Chex cereal
1 of a cup packed Brown sugar
2 sticks of butter
1 cup of mini Reese’s Peanut butter cups
1 cup of mini marshmallows
½ cup of caramel bits (this item is found by the chocolate chips on the baking aisle)
½ cup of milk chocolate chips
½ cup of white chocolate chips
1 tsp. of salt


Step 1:
Take 8 cups of chocolate Chex mix and put it in a bowl
(I do not own this image)

Take 2 sticks of butter and 1 cup of brown sugar and put them in a pot on the stove to boil. Stir when the sugar and butter start to melt. Make sure you watch this close because it will burn so easy. This will make homemade caramel. Let it boil for a couple of minutes and when the texture has changed to big thick bubbles that’s when you know its done.
(This is what your caramel will look like when it is done) (I do not own this image)

Step 3:
Pour caramel mixture in the bowl of Chex until the Chex are well covered. I only used about half of the caramel mix.

Step 4:
Put bowl of Chex into the microwave for 3 minutes. While the microwave is going line your baking sheet with parchment paper or Reynolds wrap. When the microwave goes off take the bowl out and mix the Chex and Carmel really good. When done pour over the backing sheet.

Step 5:
Let the Chex cool for about 10 minutes then sprinkle the mini marshmallow’s and mini Reese’s over the Chex.

Step 6:
In a cup or small bowl heat up the milk chocolate chips in 30 minute increments. Stir after every 30 seconds. You may have to add a dash of water to the chocolate so it does not dry out and burn. When the chocolate has melted and it is smooth in texture. Take a fork, dip and scoop it in the chocolate and shake it over the mixture until you have used all chocolate.

Step 7:
Repeat step 6 with the white chocolate

Step 8:
Repeat step 6 with caramel
(I do not own this image)

Step 9:
Put Chex mix into the freezer for about an hour. After the hour take out of freezer and enjoy!

I hope you guys love this recipe. If you have questions comment below and ask. Also if you make it… Take pictures and send them to me. Let me know what you think!

(I do own this picture hehe)
Here is the finished product!! YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas without a Loved one

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Hello everyone! I know it`s been awhile since I have posted last. I have been really busy since it’s the holiday season. I am so sorry and I hope I can make it up to you all!
I lost my grandmother back in May so this was our first Christmas without her. Christmas was her favorite time of year. She would decorate her whole house the same way every year. Cook the same foods and she would always say the blessing. I think that is what I will miss most every time my family gets together. I will miss her sweet voice saying “Oh dear heavenly father Thank you for allowing us to be together one more year and allowing everyone to be safe. Please bless this food we are about to receive, may it nurture our body and us to your service I pray amen. ” I can hear her now. Oh she was so precious.
(My Precious Memaw)

My mom decorated my grandmother`s home like it would have been done if we were not missing her. I know it was very hard on my mom to decorate my grandmother`s house with my grandmother`s decorations. She cried and broke down a few times but she pulled through and did it in her honor. I was so proud of her for that!
(My Grandmother, My mom and I)

We carried on with traditions as normal and cooked Christmas diner in her honor at her home. There is no other place I would have rather been. We all felt her spirit more than ever. She was there with us through all the smiles and laughter that filled the house and the decorations that covered the house. I know she was looking down on us all smiling because we carried on in her honor and in her home. She never wanted Christmas to be anywhere else… and she was firm on that. So that’s just what we did.
(The gang back in the day)

If you were also missing a loved one this year I hope you carried on in their honor. If I was sad I know my Memaw would have come down and kicked me in the booty herself and I know all of your loved ones would do the same. They want us to carry on with life as normal as possible. So when you feel that little kick that makes you get out of bed in the morning… Know that is your loved one telling you to live life to the fullest. So live in their honor and make them proud. I hope you had a very merry Christmas this year.

(Her and all her children that made her smile)

(My Pawpaw and I this year standing in my memaws kitchen/ living room)

(My aunt Sandra and her family this year at Christmas)

(My brother, My mom and I this year at Christmas)

If you are struggling with a loved one passing know that God is there for you. He can heal all and is a good person to talk to. If you also need a human form to talk to please feel free to comment below and give me your email so we can talk in private. I would love to help you as much as I can.
If you lived this Christmas up for a loved one this year comment below and let me know what you did. Those type of stories always warm my heart so I would love to hear them!
I love you guys! Merry Christmas and A happy New Year!

P.S. I know this has nothing to do with fashion, makeup and beauty but this is what I felt in my heart today.

Friday, December 20, 2013

All Natural Face Srucb

 Our face is what we put out into the world day after day. In result our skin can get dry, dull and sometimes even discolored. That’s why it is so important to go that extra mile and give the face a little extra TLC (tender, love and care). There are so many different facial cleansers and face scrubs out there, it`s hard to find the right one. Since my skin is so sensitive I cannot just try any product. So I like to find home remedies and make face scrubs myself. When using home remedies I do not have to worry about the harsh chemicals and bad break outs. If I can eat it then I can put it on my body!!

Not too long ago I found a face scrub on Pinterest. The recipe called for 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 Tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix it up.

So I headed into my kitchen and whipped up some face and body scrub (yes! you can use this for your entire body). It made my skin feel so silky and smooth. It also added a hint of glow to my skin, which was pretty cool!

Not only did it make my skin soft, it also helped me with acne. So I started using it every night as a face scrub. In about a week all the acne had cleared up and my face was as smooth as a baby’s booty. Ha-ha Not really but you know what I mean. So if your face needs a pick me up or you just need some help with acne, you should try this face scrub. More than likely you already have everything to make it in your kitchen. So go ahead what are you waiting for?

Comment below and let me know what you think. Did you like it? Did you hate it?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pearls and Polka Dots

Two things a girl can NEVER go wrong with are pearls and polka dots.

Pearls are so timeless and classy. Every girl should own a pearl necklace whether they are fake or real. I do not have any real pearls yet… maybe that will be on that is what I will hint at for Valentine’s Day (lol)! Pearls are a great accessory because they practically go with just about anything. I have put pearls with a t-shirt and jeans to add a statement. They are definitely a statement piece.

Today`s outfit of the day is all about the pearls and polka dots! 

Sorry for the dirty Mirror... I promise next time it will be clean!

And Last but not least the shoes!!

Dress: c/o Lulu`s
Pearls: Rainbow similar one here
Ear rings: My grandmother
Watch: Michael Kors
Belt: Off of another dress similar one here
Stockings: Wal-mart
Shoes: Lulu`s

I hope you guys enjoyed the pearls and polka dots! Let me know what you think and comment below!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Are the twenties weird for you?

I have heard several times that the early twenties are such weird years for a young lady. But when I look around I feel like I am the only one going through these weird stages. I feel like there is a ticking clock in my ear and it keeps asking me…

When are you going to get your life started?
What are you going to do?
Are you ever going to get married?
Are you ever going to have children?
Are you this? Are you that? Blah blah blah ITS MAKES ME SO CRAZY!! hahaha

Is this because everyone around me just bought their first home with their newly wed husband/wife? Not only do they have one baby but now they are on the second. I mean don’t get me wrong I am definitely not ready for a baby and marriage. It’s just that sometimes I just feel like I got lost back in time. Like I am still standing back there at the starting line and everyone else has over lapped me and almost finished the race.
I mean I don’t feel like this all the time, it is only every now and then but I still think about it. I wonder if it`s because I am about to be 24 and I am not where I thought I would be. My expectations for myself were so high. They still are but I just imagined being at a different point in my life.

I am just so confused and this whole young twenties sucks!! I always thought these were the best years of our lives but for me… they are even more confusing than going through puberty and my body completely changing. Ha-ha what and analogy right? Anyways I don’t mean to sound crazy today but these are my thoughts at the moment.

Do you feel this way? Do you think I am crazy or just bored? Ha-ha let me know your opinion!! I would love to hear it. You never know… Maybe would could get each other out of this weird funk!

P.s I know the TV show Girls is about this kind of thing... But I did not know it really existed.

Oh and one more question... If you are a guy reading this... Do you go through this also?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Early Christmas Present

This weekend I received and early Christmas present!
On Saturday night when the boyfriend and I were on our way to Callaway Gardens to see the lights we stopped by Macy`s. Why did we stop at Macy`s you ask? Well because he decided to get me an early Christmas gift which was a Michael Kors watch.

I can`t believe its mine and no one is going to take it from me!! I know this may sound crazy but I have literally been looking at this watch on the internet for 1 year now. I have even been in the store to try it on and I never bought it.  I could not be more satisfied. It is everything I wanted and more! 

We also had a lot of fun at Callaway Gardens Fantasy in Lights. We rode a trolley through all the Christmas lights while drinking hot coco! James had never been before and I think he really enjoyed himself. We wanted to bring our pup but no animals are allowed, except for the wild ones L. So we took him to his grandma’s house instead. I am pretty sure he enjoyed seeing her more anyway!

Here we are waiting in line to get on the trolley

Beautiful twin trees 

Winter Wonderland... My favorite scene

An outfit for a rainy day!


Here in Georgia we have had some pretty nasty weather for the last week! I know we need the rain but jeez a girl needs her curls to stay (lol)!! Since the weather was nasty I took full advantage and rocked my new over large sweater! This is the first time I have worn this so I was pretty excited!

Notice... MY CURLS FELL!!! :(

Sweater: c/o Forever 21 
Black Long Sleeve Shirt: c/o American Apparel
Jeans: c/o American eagle similar pair here
Boots: Shoeland similar pair here
Necklace: from my mom (Idk where she bought it) but this ONE would work
Watch: Michael Kors
Bag: Micheal Kors similar here

I hope you guys like my outfit of the day!! 

What is your favorite outfit to wear on a rainy day? 
Comment below and let me know what you think about my rainy day wear and let me know what your rainy day wear is!! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

This year my Christmas list may be a little intense. I hope you can handle everything I want! I am pretty sure I have been good this year. I haven`t been written up at work, given a ticket, taken to jail or broken any major laws (lol). So I would say... yeah I have been pretty good! What I am trying to say is... I have high hopes that I will get everything on my list.

I have put together a list with pictures so you get everything right! I hope this isn't too much for you to handle!

1. Leather Jacket 
7. A stocking full of goodies...
-Victoria Secret Love Spell set
-Victoria Secret gift card
-Lots of candy
- Disney Princess/ Hello Kitty Christmas tree Ornament 

P.s. I love you Santa!! I sure hope you are good to me this year! Sorry if its too much... Just keep in mind I have been really good :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dress on a Dime Version

The Cheap Version of celebrity outfits

I have wanted to recreate this outfit for quite some time. I love the casual comfy look with a little dress up to it. We all have those days where we do not want to wear heels and our feet just NEED A BREAK!!

So I have recreated this outfit and put a different spin on it. Of course I do not have the money to buy expensive brands like celebs. So here is my Dress on a dime version. 

 When trying to recreate outfits and dressing on a dime you have to use what you have in your closet. If you are missing one piece that's OK... think about your local stores that carry that accessory or article of clothing that you are missing. Make sure its a cheap store like Ross or Marshals. Normally those types of stores have a little of everything so you should not have a problem.

Take me for example I had everything in my closet to create this look except for flats. At the time I did not own a pair of flats so I went to my local Ross and found these AMAZING SPARKLED OUT Steven Madden flats. I was not even looking for a major designer but I happened to stumbled upon them and I fell in love. I paid only $29.99 for them when the original price was like $105.00. I guess you could say that was totally a steal!!

You can always add a pop of color with a great bag!

I hope you guys have enjoyed my version of the casual blazer and jeans. I am so sorry I do not have an actual picture of me in it. Maybe I will wear this outfit soon and post a picture!!

Have you recreated a celeb outfit lately... or ever?? If so tell me about it!!

Where I bought everything:
Blazer: c/o H&M similar version here
White T: c/o Wal-Mart men`s section. My boyfriend (he bought a pack of small men`s ts that did not fit so I grabbed them)
Jeans: c/o American Eagle similar version here
Necklace: c/o Rainbow here
Bracelets: c/o Rainbow similar here and here
Shoes: c/o similar here
Bag: c/o Macy`s Michael Kors: different bag but still the pop of color here

Clean Start

Good morning my beauties!! 

Did you wake up this morning with clear skin??
I know I didn't! My face has been really broke out for a couple of weeks now. I finally asked the boyfriend to run to Ulta for me (because I was on vacation and couldn't go) and grab me a Clean Start kit. So he did and now I am working on getting my skin back to being silky and smooth.

 I have always dealt with acne since I was like 12 and I have tried everything under the sun. Proactive, Epiduo (which was the worst thing for my skin) Differin.. Nothing works!! Until one day I stumbled upon a Kandee Johnson video. If I remember correctly it was a "things that I am loving" video.  In this video she introduced a product called "Clean Start." She was talking all about the product and how it was all natural with no harsh chemicals. After hearing that, I wanted to try it.

 Especially since the Epiduo was so harsh on my face. My face peeled and bled for 4 months. My dermatologist told me this would happen but OUCH!! It hurt so badly. 
So anyways back on topic (I tend to go off on tangents, so please forgive me)!

So I looked up the product since I trust Kandee`s judgments. I found that they sale a mini starter kit for only $38 which is not too bad! So I purchased it! On my first day trying it I feel in love! It makes my face smell so good! It also clears up the acne really fast and smooth’s out the skin.

I totally recommend this product to all of you. Especially the ones that deal with all the harsh chemicals the dermatologist give you. Don`t get me wrong the dermatologist is amazing but if you can’t use those harsh chemicals than this is a great alternative. 

If you check it out let me know what you think. Or have you already tried this product? If so how did you like it? Comment below and let me know!!

You can buy this from your local Ulta store or you can go straight to Clean Start`s website and purchase it.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Hey Guys,

Come and join the fun! Follow me on my Instagram at Candy_land13!

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Candace Mitchell; I am 23 years old and live in Atlanta, Georgia. I am definitely not your typical southern belle even though I was born and raised here in the south. I am not going to use the restroom in the woods, I do not go fishing or hunting and I definitely do not drink sweet tea or moonshine. Yes I may be guilty of an accent (which I hate) but I cannot help it. 

I am a mother to a sweet long haired Chihuahua named Oliver. I rescued this little guy when he was just a puppy and he has been spoiled rotten ever since! His little personality is just adorable. He loves to go on car rides and sit in my lap the whole time. This is probably his favorite thing to do, besides sleep!! He is my whole heart and I love him more than anything.

I have been in a relationship for 5 years with Mr. James Perry. We met through some friends when we were in high school and we have literally been connected at the hip since that day. He is my best friend, my heart, my soul and my rock. I do not know what I would do without him and I look forward to marrying him one day.

Here are some little things about me that everyone does not know
-Growing up my nickname has always been Candy land because I could smell candy from a mile away... or so they said (hints the title of this blog)
-Everything and anything to do with glitter or sequins I LOVE!
-Born in the wrong decade. Early 1900`s would have been awesome
-Old soul and old fashion
-No smoking or drinking! Maybe one alcoholic beverage per year (yes I know, I am boring)
- Strong moral values
-Love old black and white movies
-Love to cuddle
-Hopeless Romantic
-Been known as a goody goody
-Never been on an airplane
-Halloween favorite time of year
-Addicted to sugar, makeup and fashion
-Love any and all candy, sweets and treats
-Open book