Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas without a Loved one

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Hello everyone! I know it`s been awhile since I have posted last. I have been really busy since it’s the holiday season. I am so sorry and I hope I can make it up to you all!
I lost my grandmother back in May so this was our first Christmas without her. Christmas was her favorite time of year. She would decorate her whole house the same way every year. Cook the same foods and she would always say the blessing. I think that is what I will miss most every time my family gets together. I will miss her sweet voice saying “Oh dear heavenly father Thank you for allowing us to be together one more year and allowing everyone to be safe. Please bless this food we are about to receive, may it nurture our body and us to your service I pray amen. ” I can hear her now. Oh she was so precious.
(My Precious Memaw)

My mom decorated my grandmother`s home like it would have been done if we were not missing her. I know it was very hard on my mom to decorate my grandmother`s house with my grandmother`s decorations. She cried and broke down a few times but she pulled through and did it in her honor. I was so proud of her for that!
(My Grandmother, My mom and I)

We carried on with traditions as normal and cooked Christmas diner in her honor at her home. There is no other place I would have rather been. We all felt her spirit more than ever. She was there with us through all the smiles and laughter that filled the house and the decorations that covered the house. I know she was looking down on us all smiling because we carried on in her honor and in her home. She never wanted Christmas to be anywhere else… and she was firm on that. So that’s just what we did.
(The gang back in the day)

If you were also missing a loved one this year I hope you carried on in their honor. If I was sad I know my Memaw would have come down and kicked me in the booty herself and I know all of your loved ones would do the same. They want us to carry on with life as normal as possible. So when you feel that little kick that makes you get out of bed in the morning… Know that is your loved one telling you to live life to the fullest. So live in their honor and make them proud. I hope you had a very merry Christmas this year.

(Her and all her children that made her smile)

(My Pawpaw and I this year standing in my memaws kitchen/ living room)

(My aunt Sandra and her family this year at Christmas)

(My brother, My mom and I this year at Christmas)

If you are struggling with a loved one passing know that God is there for you. He can heal all and is a good person to talk to. If you also need a human form to talk to please feel free to comment below and give me your email so we can talk in private. I would love to help you as much as I can.
If you lived this Christmas up for a loved one this year comment below and let me know what you did. Those type of stories always warm my heart so I would love to hear them!
I love you guys! Merry Christmas and A happy New Year!

P.S. I know this has nothing to do with fashion, makeup and beauty but this is what I felt in my heart today.

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