Friday, December 20, 2013

All Natural Face Srucb

 Our face is what we put out into the world day after day. In result our skin can get dry, dull and sometimes even discolored. That’s why it is so important to go that extra mile and give the face a little extra TLC (tender, love and care). There are so many different facial cleansers and face scrubs out there, it`s hard to find the right one. Since my skin is so sensitive I cannot just try any product. So I like to find home remedies and make face scrubs myself. When using home remedies I do not have to worry about the harsh chemicals and bad break outs. If I can eat it then I can put it on my body!!

Not too long ago I found a face scrub on Pinterest. The recipe called for 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 Tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Put all ingredients in a bowl and mix it up.

So I headed into my kitchen and whipped up some face and body scrub (yes! you can use this for your entire body). It made my skin feel so silky and smooth. It also added a hint of glow to my skin, which was pretty cool!

Not only did it make my skin soft, it also helped me with acne. So I started using it every night as a face scrub. In about a week all the acne had cleared up and my face was as smooth as a baby’s booty. Ha-ha Not really but you know what I mean. So if your face needs a pick me up or you just need some help with acne, you should try this face scrub. More than likely you already have everything to make it in your kitchen. So go ahead what are you waiting for?

Comment below and let me know what you think. Did you like it? Did you hate it?

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