Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Are the twenties weird for you?

I have heard several times that the early twenties are such weird years for a young lady. But when I look around I feel like I am the only one going through these weird stages. I feel like there is a ticking clock in my ear and it keeps asking me…

When are you going to get your life started?
What are you going to do?
Are you ever going to get married?
Are you ever going to have children?
Are you this? Are you that? Blah blah blah ITS MAKES ME SO CRAZY!! hahaha

Is this because everyone around me just bought their first home with their newly wed husband/wife? Not only do they have one baby but now they are on the second. I mean don’t get me wrong I am definitely not ready for a baby and marriage. It’s just that sometimes I just feel like I got lost back in time. Like I am still standing back there at the starting line and everyone else has over lapped me and almost finished the race.
I mean I don’t feel like this all the time, it is only every now and then but I still think about it. I wonder if it`s because I am about to be 24 and I am not where I thought I would be. My expectations for myself were so high. They still are but I just imagined being at a different point in my life.

I am just so confused and this whole young twenties sucks!! I always thought these were the best years of our lives but for me… they are even more confusing than going through puberty and my body completely changing. Ha-ha what and analogy right? Anyways I don’t mean to sound crazy today but these are my thoughts at the moment.

Do you feel this way? Do you think I am crazy or just bored? Ha-ha let me know your opinion!! I would love to hear it. You never know… Maybe would could get each other out of this weird funk!

P.s I know the TV show Girls is about this kind of thing... But I did not know it really existed.

Oh and one more question... If you are a guy reading this... Do you go through this also?

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