Monday, December 9, 2013

Early Christmas Present

This weekend I received and early Christmas present!
On Saturday night when the boyfriend and I were on our way to Callaway Gardens to see the lights we stopped by Macy`s. Why did we stop at Macy`s you ask? Well because he decided to get me an early Christmas gift which was a Michael Kors watch.

I can`t believe its mine and no one is going to take it from me!! I know this may sound crazy but I have literally been looking at this watch on the internet for 1 year now. I have even been in the store to try it on and I never bought it.  I could not be more satisfied. It is everything I wanted and more! 

We also had a lot of fun at Callaway Gardens Fantasy in Lights. We rode a trolley through all the Christmas lights while drinking hot coco! James had never been before and I think he really enjoyed himself. We wanted to bring our pup but no animals are allowed, except for the wild ones L. So we took him to his grandma’s house instead. I am pretty sure he enjoyed seeing her more anyway!

Here we are waiting in line to get on the trolley

Beautiful twin trees 

Winter Wonderland... My favorite scene

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello I love these pictures